
View the Project on GitHub JoeyToh/ip

Nugget User Guide

Nugget is a task manager bot with a dog theme.


1. Adding Tasks

a) Add a Todo

Command: todo {task details}

Example: todo wash rice

Expect output:

I've added this task: 
[T][✘] wash rice
Now you have 1 task(s) in your list.

b) Add an Event

Command: event {event details} /at {date in YYYY-MM-DD}

Example: event birthday /at 2020-06-29

Expect output:

I've added this task: 
[E][✘] birthday (at: Jun 29 2020)
Now you have 2 task(s) in your list.

c) Add a Deadline

Command: deadline {deadline details} /by {date in YYYY-MM-DD

Example: deadline iP submission /by 2020-09-18

Expect output:

I've added this task: 
[D][✘] iP submission (by: Sep 18 2020)
Now you have 3 task(s) in your list.

2. Add priority - Adds a priority level to a specified task

Add the “/p” tag behind a task if you want to add a priority level to it Command: {task} /p 1

Example: event graduation /at 2021-07-01 /p 1

Expect output:

I've added this task: 
[E][✘] graduation (at: Jul 1 2021) (priority: 1)
Now you have 4 task(s) in your list.

3. Help - View the list of commands available

Command: help

Expect output:

"Here are the list of commands you can type:
 1. list - Shows the complete list of tasks you have
 2. find <keyword> - Shows tasks in your task list that match the keyword
 3. done <task number> - Marks the task as completed
 4. delete <task number> - Deletes the task from your list
 5. todo <task>- Adds a todo task
 6. event <event details> /at <date in YYYY-MM-DD> - Adds an event
 7. deadline <deadline details> /by <date in YYYY-MM-DD> -  Adds a deadline
 Optional: Adding a '/p <priority level>' tag at the end of a task command
 adds a priority level to your task!\n The default priority level is 0.

4. List tasks - View all the tasks in your task list in decreasing priority

Command: list

Expect output:

Here is your to-do list:
1. [E][✘] graduation (at: Jul 1 2021) (priority: 1)
2. [T][✘] wash rice
3. [E][✘] birthday (at: Jun 29 2020)
4. [D][✘] iP submission (by: Sep 18 2020)

5. Find task - View all the tasks in your list that contain the keyword

Command: find {keyword}

Example: find rice

Expect output:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[T][✘] wash rice

6. Complete task - Mark a task as completed

Command: done {task number}

Example: done 2

Expect output:

You've completed this task:
[T][✓] wash rice

7. Delete task - Deletes a task from your task list

Command: delete {task number}

Example: delete 4

Expect output:

Ok, this task has been kicked off your to-do list:
[D][✘] iP submission (by: Sep 18 2020)
Now you have 3 task(s) in your list.